Penetration Testing

Network Assessments

The primary objective for a network penetration test is to identify exploitable vulnerabilities in networks, systems, hosts and network devices before hackers are able to discover and exploit them. Network penetration testing will reveal real-world opportunities for hackers to be able to compromise systems and networks in such a way that allows for unauthorized access to sensitive data or even take-over systems for malicious/non-business purposes.

Application Assessments

Aleant’s security application penetration testers have experience in developing software — and not just in trying to break it. They leverage this experience to provide actionable remediation guidance. As a result of our penetration tests, you’ll be able to view your applications through the eyes of both a hacker and an experienced developer to discover where you can improve your security posture.

Wireless Network Assessments

We use high powered wireless equipment to locate access points. We then map the wireless infrastructure presence and identify and detect vulnerabilities within the wireless spectrum. We then proceed with a white box test component, where our clients provide us with sample credentials to authenticate with against the wireless network.

VOIP Assessments

Using industry-standard approaches, Aleant’s comprehensive method for VOIP assessments covers the classes of vulnerabilities in the Penetration Testing Execution Standard (PTES) and the Information Systems Security Assessment Framework (ISSAF) including, but not limited to: Call Spoofing, Authentication brute-forcing, VLAN Hopping, Extension Enumeration & Number Harvesting, RTP injection and more.

Infrastructure Assessments

Aleant assesses deployed configurations of servers/infrastructure . This is done through automated auditing tools as well as manual assessments. Our assessments are carried out against industry standards and best practices.